Friday 31 October 2014

DOUBLE SMOOTHIE (mango + mixed berry)

Hey everyone!! 

I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much recently, I've been doing so much!! Homework, massive projects due for school, catching up on school work I missed out on... The list is endless! To give myself a bit of a 'pick me up' this morning I decided I was going to have the best of both worlds and create a double smoothie! 

Blend the following ingredients together into a thick consistency: 

2 average handfuls of frozen mango (add a bit more If needed) 
1 banana (add another if needed) 
A green apple 
A splash of almond milk 

After creating this mixture fill up half your glass. If you find that you don't have enough mixture left for the second layer add another banana and a bit more mango. After doing so place your smoothie blender tub thing (I have no idea what to call it) back on the blender and add a large handful of frozen berries and another splash of almond milk and blitz to the same consistency as the first layer! 

Once you've finished these two easy steps you will find yourself with a delicious smoothie! I decided not to put anything on top and to just enjoy the goodness by itself, but you may like to sprinkle some chia seeds and almonds on top for that little bit of extra flavour. (not that you can really taste chia seeds....) 

Hope you all enjoy!!

Grace xxx 

Tuesday 28 October 2014


Hey guys!

Just a quick recipe today as I've been suppppeeerrr busy!!

 Sorry to anyone who has nut allergies, it will taste just as good with out the cashews :)))

This salad is perfect for lunch (I take a salad like this to school nearly everyday) or to pair with your meal at dinner time (a salad and a green smoothie are great for dinner).

You can use any veggies, although these are my personal favourites!


half a carrot (peeled)
coz lettuce
half an avocado 
beetroot (canned)
feta cheese
a handful of unsalted cashews 
a teaspoon of chia seeds

All you need to do is dice the beetroot into small squares (approx 1 cm), after peeling the peel off the carrot continue to peel the carrot into spaghetti like strips until you've got enough to for-fill your hunger, tear up some coz lettuce, slice half an avocado and sprinkle some feta cheese, chia seeds and
cashews over the top and eat up!!

others veggies (or fruit) I may use:

snow peas
green apple
roast pumpkin
roast potato


Grace xxx

Sunday 26 October 2014


Hey Everyone!!

Sorry I've been a bit slack lately... I've been having way to much fun with my fam-jam over in melbourne!

This recipe is a little different to the other recipes I've previously uploaded, but it was to good not to share! it's super easy and guilty free! All you need to do is blitz the following three ingredients together and you've got yourself a delicious healthy breakfast!


2 Bananas 
2 Eggs
A pinch of cinnamon 

Before combining all the ingredients I mashed the banana into a paste, I then placed the eggs and cinnamon in the bowl and stirred the mixture together. You may have enough patience to stir it until it forms into a smooth consistency, but I didn't so I gave it a quick blend with a blending stick!

After you've blended your mixture, cook your pancakes on a low heat with a small amount of butter so they don't stick, beware, the banana burns easily!

the recipe cooks approximatley 10 small pancakes.

After you've cooked your pancakes serve with blueberries (I used frozen) and strawberries (or any other fruits you like) 

Enjoy this delicious recipe!!

Grace xxx

About Me

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Grace's Goodness is a collection of healthy, fun and vibrant recipes. Along with adventures and many other exciting things! I hope you try and enjoy the recipes featured on my blog!!