Saturday 3 January 2015


Hey Everyone!!

 What more does one want on a hot summers day, than a nice refreshing ice-cream?! This 'nice-cream' recipe has got you covered!! (without all the nasties)


1 orange
a massive handful of mixed berries
1 banana
a splash of almond milk

Blend all the ingredients in a blender until they form a smoothie consistency. Get yourself some ice-cream moulds and fill them up to the top and place in the freezer until set. 

Optional extras:

shredded coconut
chia seeds
crushed nuts

Add these into your smoothie AFTER you've blended all the other ingredients together.

And there you have it! A super easy recipe that will cool you off in a instant!! This is also great for ANY smoothie you have left over!


Grace xxx

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Grace's Goodness is a collection of healthy, fun and vibrant recipes. Along with adventures and many other exciting things! I hope you try and enjoy the recipes featured on my blog!!