Thursday 27 November 2014


Hey guys!!

Since it's mango season here in Australia and nearly Summer (not that it will be getting warm in Tasmania for ageees) I thought this smoothie would be good to share!!

Blend the following ingreidients in a blender and blend until smooth or thick:

2 bananas
1 apple
1 orange
A MASSIVE handful of frozen mango
Splash of almond milk

This recipe is supposed to be really thick (the same constancy of nana nice-cream), add more frozen mango if you want it extremely thick or more almond milk if you prefer your smoothies thinner.

This recipe served nearly two jars, if you're only making one for yourself use 1 banana.

I pored half of the smoothie into my jar and sprinkled a layer of museli, I then added the remainder of the smoothie and added another layer of museli and berries to finish off!


Grace xxx

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Grace's Goodness is a collection of healthy, fun and vibrant recipes. Along with adventures and many other exciting things! I hope you try and enjoy the recipes featured on my blog!!