Saturday 14 February 2015


Hey Everyone!!

As many of you may know, I support healthy living and an active lifestyle 100% and I couldn't thank the world enough for providing me with the options I am lucky enough to have in my life. Exercising has become more of a hobby than that of a chore for me and I look forward to getting out of bed early in the morning and going for a run, doing a workout or having a stretch each and everyday. Coming home after a long day at school or work and sitting on the couch watching movies sounds super, right? Wrong! exercising morning or night (in-fact any time of the day) release endorphins into your body, an instant power boost for any problem you may face throughout the day!

You may think you're not a 'morning person' and you couldn't think of anything worse than getting up at the crack of dawn to exercsie. These were my thoughts a couple of weeks ago, until I dragged myself out of bed at 5:30am on the FIRST day of school and did a short but sharp 25minute workout. At first it as difficult to even keep my eyes open, but it soon got easier and for the remainder of the day I had unlimited energy!

Every single minute counts, whether it be taking up a monthly squat challenge or going for a run every second day. It all counts! I personally aim to exercise every day of the week. Somedays when I'm not feeling 100% i may only do a light workout or a fully body stretch, keeping in mind that tomorrow is a new day and you can smash it once you're back in full swing!!

These are some of my favourite workouts:

ABS/FULL BODY (approx. 25-30mins)

3 rounds of each exercise:

x30 sit-ups
x30 leg drops
x30 flutter kicks (15 per side)
x30 side crunches (per side)
x30 heel touches

2 rounds of each exercise:

x50 Squats
x50 Side leg lifts (25 per side)
x20 Jump squats
x10 Burpees
x50 Star jumps

CORE WORKOUT (15 mins)

60 seconds per exercise:

Side plank (left)
Side plank (right)
Glute bridge hold
V sit hold (legs out straight)
Leg raises 
Sit up boxing (sit up with two punches - one per side)
Table top crunches
Star fish crunches
Oblique crunches (60secs per side)
Bicycle crunches

FULL BODY WORKOUT (approx. 1 hour)

Arms/Back - 4 sets of 12:

Push ups
Lay down push ups
Tricep dips

Abs - 3 sets of 30:

Crunch sit-ups
Bicycle crunches
Jack knives
Leg ups
Leg ups with hip raise
Reverse crunches
Oblique crunches (30 per side)
Full sit-ups

Legs - 3 sets of 20-30:

Jump squats
Sumo squats
Jump squats
Alternating backwards lunges
Walking lunges

Full Body:

x10 Burpees
x20 push ups
x20 alternating backwards lunges
x50 mountain climbers
X15 leg ups
x10 jump squats
1min of bicycle crunches

These are some of my favourite workouts!! I also do Kayla Itsines' BBG on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (along with the recommend LISS and HITT trainings), along with many online videos from XHIT (click here for the links to some of my favourite workouts) and run every second to third day (anywhere between 7-10km)
Exercising is one of the best things you can do for your body, (along with eating healthy foods) just doing 1 hour a day will make a HUGE difference to your body in the long run!!
Grace xxx
- I am not a professional exercise coach; I simply exercise for health and wellbeing. I am only sharing these workouts with you, DO NOT feel obliged in anyway that you HAVE to do these workouts.
- I am not responsible for any injuries you MAY obtain from completing these RECOMMENDED exercises.
- ONLY exercise to YOUR capability. These workouts suit my personal fitness levels. Alter exercises if need be.

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Grace's Goodness is a collection of healthy, fun and vibrant recipes. Along with adventures and many other exciting things! I hope you try and enjoy the recipes featured on my blog!!